Book 'Idéaliste? et alors...', By Olivier Bourquin
Notes et avis clients

Following La performance sur mesure and Cerveau(x), tout part de là, Olivier Bourquin now plunges his readers straight into the world of idealists - a delightful blend of intuition and experience, both complex and fascinating.
Through psychology, biomechanics and nutrition, his new book, Idéaliste? Et alors... will provide you with a better understanding of this type of personality.
Excellent livre
Comment la nourriture peut influencer notre comportement et quels sont les astuces pour trouver sa nutrition idéale. C'est ce que les différents livres d'Olivier tente d'apporter. Ce livre présente une réflexion mûrie par la longue expérience de l'auteur. La structure et la présentation du livre rendent la technicité de la matière abordable par tout un chacun. A lire pour trouver sa voie dans la jungle de la nutrition.
Want to know
We all have preferences and strong points. To consolidate them, we need to save energy and increase efficiency. Are you more interested in making the most of the future than in past times? Do novelty and originality appeal to you? Do you need harmony to function well? Do you use emotional logic rather than rational logic?
If you can answer YES to these four questions, this book is an absolute must-have for you! If not? As approximately 19% of the population fits this type of profile, you or one of your loved ones surely must do! Do you have any doubts about your profile? Do not hesitate to visit our profiler, a free tool that will build your profile within minutes (and provide nutritional and micronutritional advice).
Super livre, très bien écrit.
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