Pack Détox
Notes et avis clients

Coconut Oil Medium Chain Triglycerides 60% C8 (Caprylic Acid)/ 40% C10 (Capric Acid).
- European Union origin
- With added vitamin D3
- No colorings or flavorings
250ml bottle
Avis de nutritionniste
Les TCM ou tryglicérides à chaines moyennes permettent d’augmenter le niveau d’énergie, améliorer les fonctions cérébrales et activer le métabolisme.
More about
MCT oil
MCT oil is naturally present in coconut oil and other foods. These are medium-chain tryglicerides (MCTs), which increase energy levels, improve brain function and activate metabolism. They quickly provide the body with energy without being stored in fat cells.
MCTs metabolized by the body behave more like carbohydrate than fat, meaning it doesn't increase the insulin level. Thus, taking a tablespoon of TCM in the morning on an empty stomach will not increase insulin but will give energy to the body.
MCT oil has interesting characteristics for fasting. In order to have all the useful information for proper use and to benefit from a complete experience, we recommend using it within the "intermittent fasting" pack.
Tient ses promesses
L'huile a bon goût. Je l'a prend pure afin de ne pas en laisser au fond de la tasse. J'en recommanderai de sûre.