How to lose weight quickly?
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There are no miracle diets and yet… Each year, the question comes up during consultations: "I need to lose 5 pounds in 1 week, how to do it? " Cut your arm, maybe?
At the age of 45, on average, a woman has already made fifteen different and varied diets. According to these same statistics, 90% of these followers of slimming treatments gain more weight in the same year as the diet. We are far from a lasting result ...
To understand the context, let's start by explaining this famous yoyo effect. First of all, you shouldn't be saying that you want to lose weight, but more about fat. Weighing yourself without measuring your body fat and muscle mass is useless. It is easy to lose lean mass (muscle), most of which is water; in a week, by eating little, it is simple to lose three pounds, the problem is that the pounds lost risk to be represented in large part by muscle and not by fat. And when you lose muscle, you lower your basal metabolism and automatically burn less energy at rest. So, by eating the same thing as before the diet, the person will store more. To sum it up: for two people of the same height and weight, one will have less fat and more muscle mass and will therefore burn more calories without doing anything. This is why it is so important to maintain good muscles to avoid the yoyo effect.
To return to the loss of fat mass now: We do not build anything stable without solid foundations. To create a fat loss program, you must first take an interest in the quality of the ground for each individual and the various possible obstacles.
Balance of the nervous systems
Olivier Bourquin's favorite field is humans and, to begin with, his nervous systems. However, to burn fat easily, you have to look at the enteric nervous system (intestine). If it is not in good condition, if the microbiota is of questionable quality, weight loss will be more difficult. As for the autonomic nervous system , its imbalance is a brake on fat burning. This is why these factors should be systematically measured before implementing a "mass ballasting" strategy.
The acid-base balance
There are other brakes on fat loss such as poor acid-base balance or over activation of free radicals causing inflammatory problems. Our body will then have a lot to do to function normally and burning fat will not be its priority, on the contrary even ...
The balance of neurotransmitters
Other essential measurements to take, the balance of neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers such as dopamine and norepinephrine allow better activation of the metabolism or serotonin and GABA which facilitate good quality of sleep; essential to all successes.
Stress management
Cortisol, generally called stress hormone, is an essential hormone whose presence allows the regulation of energy reserves, the functional reshaping of muscles and the facilitation of catabolism to better burn fat. Produced in too large or too small, the risk of storage in the abdominal region is important!
Thus, measuring and understanding all of these factors provides stable ground for solid foundations. With an adapted nutritional and micronutritional rebalancing program - in addition to quality sleep and adapted physical activity - the loss of fat mass will then occur naturally, perhaps even quickly depending of the individual, but above all, in a sustainable manner; no frustration or envy of hunger murder! At BN, the plans do not exist. Our vision is in sustainable development ... of the human!
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